The World Cup semi-final match between India and New Zealand was a star-studded one. Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor, Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani, Shahid Kapoor-Mira Rajput, south superstar Rajinikanth were pictured at the stadium. Madhuri Dixit and husband Shriram Nene were also among the spectators who didn’t want to miss the opportunity of watching the match live. Madhuri shared a reel on her Instagram feed featuring moments from the Wednesday match on and off field. The couple were pictured with former star football player David Beckham, Sachin Tendulkar. They also posed with Rajinikanth and Anushka Sharma in other pictures.
Madhuri wrote an extensive note. It read, “And there u have it. Congrats #TeamIndia. What a fabulous showing by our boys in Blue. Nice way to end #Shami. Congrats to @virat.kohli for back to back centuries and 50 ODI centuries overall, and breaking the Master Blaster’s record. Hats off to @shreyasiyer96 for great batting. We loved the game today! Thank u for a magical experience @BCCI #WorldCup2023.” Take a look:
Ranbir Kapoor, busy with the promotions of Animal, chose to wear blue to support the men in blue on their big day. Ranbir wore a blue blazer over a white shirt. He added a dash of glamour with his black shades. Sharing the pictures, the fan page captioned it, “Handsome Hunk at the pre show of #indvsnz.” Take a look:
Ranbir Kapoor was joined by John Abraham, Sidharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani and Akash Ambani at the gallery. The fan page shared pictures of the actors from the gallery on its feed. In the picture, Ranbir Kapoor can be seen wearing a blue jersey. Take a look:
India won the match against New Zealand and cemented its place in the World Cup final.
Madhuri-Shriram were pictured with David Beckham as well