Alia Bhatt‘s next big release is Heart of Stone. The Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani actress is marking her Hollywood debut with this one. She will be sharing the screen space with Gal Gadot and more in this one. She is definitely quite excited for Heart of Stone as it not only marks her Hollywood debut, she will also be seen as an antagonist in this one. She has performed some dangerous action sequences in the film.
Alia Bhatt talks about Heart of Stone
In an interview with Good Morning America, Gal Gadot and Alia Bhatt revealed all about their experience of working on an action film. Alia Bhatt was even pregnant while filming Heart of Stone. She expressed her excitement and said, “I was enjoying to be able to say that, ‘Oh, I’m doing my first action movie pregnant’. Just to be able to mouth those words out loud.” She further explained how executing all the minute details of the action sequences make up for the big puzzle. She spoke about the coming together of technical department, visual effects and more to create magic. Adding to this, she said, “So, the preparation of course, with certain amount of agility, training, wire work.”
Gal Gadot shares her experience
Gal Gadot also spoke about working on an action film like Heart of Stone. It is not for the first time that she has performed action in films. “Every time I think I’ve reached a bar with my films and the physicality, then comes the next movie,” she excitedly said. Gal Gadot mentioned that months of training is required to be fit enough to pull off stunts in the film. Going by the trailer, it is quite clear that Heart of Stone is going to be high on action. Gal Gadot plays the role of Rachel Stone, an undercover operative, who is in search of The Heart – World’s most powerful AI. Alia Bhatt’s character in the film is also behind The Heart in turn putting the world in danger.
Watch Heart of Stone trailer below:
Heart of Stone is going to release on Netflix on August 11, 2023.
Alia Bhatt is now looking forward to the release of her first Hollywood film Heart of Stone. She will be seen with Gal Gadot and others.