Not a day goes by without Jawan fans sharing their special ways of celebrating Shah Rukh Khan’s film. On X (earlier known as Twitter), a fan shared a picture of herself watching Jawan with the women of her family. The fan wrote, “Yeh dekhiye sir ji! Family ke sare ladies ne aapki movie sath mein dekhi (all the women of the family watched your film together). #JawanBlockBuster #Jawan.” Shah Rukh Khan replied, “Thank you so much! My love to all of them and your family of course. Good to go again girls?”
In Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan’s Azad is helped by a gang of 6 powerful women including a doctor, a hacker, an artist among others with his missions. Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Girija Oak, Lehar Khan and Aaliyah Qureishi form Jawan’s squad. SRK and his girl gang frequently use the phrase “Good to go” in the film while carrying out the tasks pertaining to the missions. The film’s power-packed cast also includes Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, Deepika Padukone and Ridhi Dogra.
Read Shah Rukh Khan’s reply here:
Thank u so much!!! My love to all of them and your family of course. Good to go again girls???
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 14, 2023
Directed by Atlee and produced by SRK and Gauri Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, Jawan released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. The film also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi and Deepika Padukone. Jawan has managed to impress the audience and critics alike. The film crossed the Rs 350 crore mark earlier this week.
Besides Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan will also star in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, co-starring Taapsee Pannu, which is also slated to release this year. Shah Rukh Khan, who was MIA from the big screen for almost 4 years, returned with a bang in 2023 and how. He featured in the smash hit Pathaan this year, alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. His film Jawan is a blockbuster already. The film released earlier this month.
“My love to all of them and your family of course,” Shah Rukh Khan wrote