Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Shakti Arora has captivated the audience’s heart with his portrayal of Ishaan Bhosle. When the makers announced the arrival of the new cast, it received a mixed reaction from viewers. However, after a month, ardent fans of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin wholeheartedly accepted the new trio of Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma, and Sumit Singh. Talking about the story, the makers have finally started the love triangle track of Ishaan, Savi, and Reeva. While the majority of the fans have given a thumbs up to the current track, a few have also raised concerns if the current love triangle will be similar to that of Sai, Virat, and Pakhi. In an exclusive conversation with BollywoodLife, Shakti Arora opens up about the fans’ query.
Shakti Arora reveals if the love triangle of Ishaan, Reeva, Savi’s will remind fans of SaiRat and Pakhi’s saga
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has always been about complicated love stories. The previous story featuring Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh, and Aishwarya Sharma was also a love triangle filled with loads of drama and twists. The current story, featuring Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma, and Sumit Singh, is now heading towards a love triangle. When asked if he ever felt that both love triangles would somewhere appear similar to the audience, Shakti said, ”Till now, it’s been six months since the second generation has come, and we were not focusing on the love triangle or going according to the title of the show. Now, the love triangle has started, and we will justify the name of the show. The love triangle track will be quite interesting, and even the scenes are shaping out really well. Talking about the previous drama that was completely different, this one will be different. Definitely, we will try to serve something else on the platter.” Talking about the current storyline of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, Ishaan has brought an unconscious Savi to his home so that he can take care of her. Reeva will also now reside in the Bhosle house. It would be interesting to see how the story unfolds as the trio will now live under the same roof.
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Actor Shakti Arora reveals if the current love triangle of Ishaan, Reeva, Savi’s will remind audience of Sai, Virat and Pakhi’s story. Read on to know more.