As India gets ready to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, the excitement soars with the grand unveiling of the action-packed poster featuring Tiger Shroff for the highly anticipated movie. Ganapath- Rise of the Hero, by Pooja Entertainment This film stars the dynamic trio of Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon, and the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, and it’s a mass entertainer meant for audiences all over India.
Tiger Shroff-Kriti Sanon to reunion after 9 years
Ganapath- Rise of the Hero promises a visually stunning experience, blending intense action sequences with a captivating musical score and offering viewers an epic journey. At its core, the movie tells the story of a fighter on a quest to find his destiny in an unexplored world. The excitement surrounding this futuristic action thriller is palpable, especially because it marks the reunion of action superstar Tiger Shroff and National Award-winning actress Kriti Sanon after nine years. Their on-screen chemistry is expected to be sizzling once again. The countdown has begun, and Ganapath: Rise of the Hero is all set to redefine cinematic excellence on October 20, 2023.
Checkout Poster;
Ganapath will be presented by Pooja Entertainment.
Presented by Pooja Entertainment in collaboration with Good Co. and directed by Vikas Bahl, Ganapath- Rise of the Hero is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, and Vikas Bahl. The film will be released worldwide in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada on October 20, 2023. This movie is expected to be a thrilling blend of action, drama, and entertainment, and the anticipation among fans is at an all-time high as they eagerly await its release during the festive season.
New poster of Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon’s much-awaited new movie Ganapath: Rise of the Hero is out now and it will make fans of this young jodi excited.