Actress Saba Azad recently took to her Instagram she shared a heartfelt post and gave a glimpse into her personality which is beyond a professional post. In Saba’s post, she reflected on the challenges of defining oneself through a job and instead chose to reveal more personal aspects. BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Check out all the entertainment news. In the video that Saba shared on her Instagram, she introduced herself beyond her career. She captioned the post, Hello, my parents named me Saba, and I like daydreaming. Winter makes me smile involuntarily, I’m deeply affected by injustice, and I think anger is a powerful thing. I’m always dancing or humming a tune, and food is my language of affection…that’s a little something about me. Tell me something about about you, maybe…”
Take a look at Saba Azad’s post
Hrithik Roshan‘s ex-wife Sussanne Khan commented on Saba’s post as she said ‘beautiful’ and used heart and clap emojis for the post. Sussanne seems to be in awe of Saba’s ideologies. Sussanne is a mother to Hrithik’s sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan. Earlier this month, Hrithik turned a year older and Saba shared a beautiful video of them and expressed her appreciation for him. She even faced criticism for her relationship with Hrithik and addressed the hate and trolling she received. She said that it affected on her, but she emphasized the importance of realizing that people’s opinions are projections of their own experiences. She has been part of projects including Dil Kabaddi, Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge, Rocket Boys 2 and more.
Actress Saba Azad spoke her heart out about the hate and criticism she had to face for her relationship with Hrithik Roshan.