Fighter starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshaye Oberoi released in theatres on January 25, 2024. Right before the Republic Day, audiences were served with a film that was high on patriotism. Directed by Siddharth Anand, Fighter was an aerial war drama with the lead cast serving as Indian Army Officers. It worked well at the box office and social media was abuzz with positive reviews for Fighter. Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s performances were hailed by the masses. Now, an Army veteran GD Bakshi has showered praises on Fighter. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp
Fighter gets praises from an Army Veteran
Maj Gen (Dr)GD Bakshi SM,VSM took to his X (formerly known as Twitter) to share his review of Fighter. He penned that the film is a befitting tribute to Air Warriors. He also wrote that Hrithik Roshan gave Tom Cruise run for his money with this film. Hrithik Roshan came across this post and reacted saying, “It’s an honour to receive this feedback from you Sir. Thank you so much.” The Army Veteran then called Hrithik Roshan Tiger and mentioned that he does justice to combat roles. He hopes to see him doing more such films.
Check out the tweets below:
Just saw the Movie Fighter. A Great and befitting tribute to our Air Warriors. Thrilling action and aerobatics by the Sukhois. Dont miss the air combat. Hritik Roshan made a great fighter pilot. Gave Tom Cruise a run for his money. MUST SEE! @iHrithik
Maj Gen (Dr)GD Bakshi SM,VSM(retd) (@GeneralBakshi) February 4, 2024
It’s an honour to receive this feedback from you Sir. Thank you so much ??
Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) February 6, 2024
Keep up the Great Work Tiger. You do justice to combat roles. Hope to see u in many more. The boys in uniform need all the encouragement they can get @ihrithik
Maj Gen (Dr)GD Bakshi SM,VSM(retd) (@GeneralBakshi) February 7, 2024
Check out Fighter public review below:
Talking about Fighter’s box office collection, the movie has made around Rs 184 crore in India in its two week run. Worldwide, the film has reported made around Rs 328 crore at the box office. It is expected that the movie will cross the Rs 350 crore mark soon. Fighter starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and all has impressed all. An Army Veteran even compared Hrithik Roshan to Tom Cruise. Here’s how the actor responded.