Rani Mukerji celebrated Vijayadashami along with her family and friends at North Bombay Sarbojanin’s Durga Puja pandal in Mumbai on Tuesday. For the Sindoor Khela festivities, Rani wore a golden-pink silk saree and she was stunning as always. She also danced to the beats of dhaak and she happily posed for the cameras. Photos from Rani Mukerji’s festivities are trending big time. Here’s a roundup of Rani Mukerji’s Durga Puja festivities this year. Take a look at Rani Mukerji’s Sindoor Khela festivities:
On the occasion of Navami, Katrina Kaif joined Rani Mukerji for the festivities. The two happily posed together.
Earlier, a video of Rani Mukerji’s Dhunuchi dance from the Durga Puja festivities went viral. Rani Mukerji, stunning as ever in a a muted gold saree, was seen dancing at a pandal.
Rani also featured in cousin Kajol’s Durga Puja album. “So many people that I love were there and so many happy feelings all over. The pujo has ended for everyone else but we still have a just our thing so that feels a little better .. there is a feeling of sadness mixed with elation that it was a successful year and now it’s at an end,” read an excerpt from Kajol’s post.
Hema Malini, who had joined Rani Mukerji for the festivities earlier this week, had also documented moments from the festivities with Rani and Esha Deol on X (earlier known as Twitter) and she wrote, “Attended Rani Mukerji’s beautiful, elaborate, aesthetic Durga puja pandal on Saptami yday. Lovely experience.”
Attended Rani Mukherjee’s beautiful, elaborate, aesthetic Durga puja pandal on Saptami yday. Lovely experience pic.twitter.com/sXQ0Kd8Ems
— Hema Malini (@dreamgirlhema) October 22, 2023
In terms of work, Rani Mukerji was last seen in Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway, which released earlier this year. Rani Mukerji’s filmography includes hits as well as critically acclaimed movies like Black, Hum Tum, Bunty Aur Babli, the Mardaan series, Saathiya, Talaash, Hichki among many others.
For the Sindoor Khela festivities, Rani wore a golden-pink saree