After mega blockbusters like Jawan and Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan fans are looking forward to Dunki. The Drop 2 had the song, Lutt Putt Gaya, which fans have liked a lot. It has also been revealed that the budget of Dunki is just Rs 85 crores, which makes it one of the lowest for Shah Rukh Khan films in the past few years. Shah Rukh Khan who is entertaining his fans with his #AskSRK sessions did one yesterday. As usual, he was in his witty and charming best. Here is a look at some of the gems… It was Dunki Drop 1 and its posters, that took the audience into the heartwarming world of Rajkumar Hirani. Without much delay, the makers dropped the first song Dunki Drop 2 Lutt Putt Gaya. While this began the musical journey of the film, its craze was witnessed in the #AskSrk session where the fans were seen asking different questions about the Dunki Drop 2 Lutt Putt Gaya while SRK dropped his witty and impressive replies.
Fan eagerly looking forward to a romantic track
When a fan asked about having a romantic number saying, “#AskSRK Sir Any romantic song in dunki by arijit plz tel your biggest fan 1st song se to hum sach much lutt putt gaye ?? ” To this SRK replied, “Aayega aayega abhi Lutt Putt raho baad mein romance bhi aayega. Aise hi thodi @RajkumarHirani aapko rehne dega. Naya saal naya pyaar. #Dunki”
SRK explained the reason behind his electrifying energy at 58
Yet another fan asked, “#ASKSrk @iamsrk just saw Lutt Putt loving every bit of it from where u get child like electrifying energy at 58?” To this SRK replied, “I have a little baby at home. So I try and keep his innocence and energy in songs. #Dunki”
SRK expressing love for Arijit Singh and Pritam
A fan asked, “What have to say about Arijit + Pritam combination & this song ???#AskSRK” To this SRK replied, “@ipritamoffical and #Arijit are like big dada and small dada. Always a pleasure what they create for me as an actor and friend.”
Dunki Drop 2 Lutt Putt Gaya: Shah Rukh Khan does an entertaining and witty #AskSRK session with his fans. Here is a look at some of the queries around Dunki’s music