Divya Agarwal was seen today distributing sweets to the paparazzi who had gathered outside a salon. The stunning actress is going to become a bride on February 20, 2024. She is marrying her long-time friend and restauranteur Apurva Padgaonkar. The two have been together for two years now. There were rumours that they were marrying in the month of March but it looks like the ceremony is happening earlier than that. Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar did a photoshoot where they combined their Punjabi and Maharashtrian roots.
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Divya Agarwal to tie the knot in a sunset ceremony
It seems Divya Agarwal will marry her beau at her home in Chembur. The actress is from Navi Mumbai. It seems they will take pheras in the sunset. It looks like the two have decided to follow Bollywood superstar couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The two also married at home during the sunset. From Bollywood, even Dia Mirza and Vaibhav Rekhi decided to get hitched at home. Here are the pics of the couple’s wedding shoot…
Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar love story
Apurva Padgaonkar is an engineer by qualification. He also owns and manages several restaurants in the city and Navi Mumbai. Apurva Padgaonkar is from a business family. In the past, Divya Agarwal had been dating Priyank Sharma and Varun Sood. Both the relationships got a bit of limelight. Her split with Varun Sood was a very nasty one. On her 30th birthday, she announced that she is marrying Apurva. They had been dating quietly for a while.
Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar’s wedding will kick off the series of TV weddings for the year 2024.
It looks like Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar have decided to tie the knot at home like Bollywood celebs Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt