Dharmendra Deol recently sent social media users into a frenzy when he posted a picture of himself on X (formerly known as Twitter). In the said picture, Dharmendra looked very tired, with his hair too messed up. However, what caught fans’ attention is that he appeared in a poor state and was having dry bread. The picture sent fans into worry, and many of them asked him if he is okay. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Dharmendra Deol fans worried as the actor seems in poor health
Dharmendra, who is known to be an active social media user, posted the image below and captioned it, ‘Aadhi raat ho gayi…neend aati nahin..bhook lag jaati hai. baasi roti makhan ka saath bahut sawad lagta hai’ (It’s midnight, I am not able to sleep, but yes, I am extremely hungry. I am having a roti with white butter. It’s delicious). Check out the post below.
Sir what happened to your leg?
Feroz Mirza (@FerozFabricasia) February 29, 2024
Feroz, mera takhna fracture ho gaya . Aap sab ki duaon se jaldi tandurust ho jaoonga. ?
Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) February 29, 2024
As soon as Dharmendra posted the above picture, fans were worried about the actor’s health and asked him if he is alright. The actor said he is doing fine; it’s just that he has fractured his leg. Fans eventually had a sigh of relief when they heard it from the actor himself that he is doing fine and there’s nothing to worry.
Dharmendra Deol sparks a frenzy among fans as the beloved actor shares candid snapshots revealing a fractured leg and tousled hair. Check out the post below.