Deepika Padukone looked every bit the boss as she turned up in a grey pant suit at the opening ceremony of 141st International Olympic Committee (IOC) session at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) on Saturday in Mumbai. The Piku actor opted for a minimal accessory look. She kept her hair tied in a tight bun. Deepika completed her look with a white handbag and she sported her brightest smile for the camera. While Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt made an appearance together at the event, Deepika was spotted without husband Ranveer Singh. Deepika Padukone was also pictured interacting with guests and other delegates present over there.
Take a look at the pictures here:
Alia Bhatt wore a royal blue salwar suit. She kept her hair tied in a bun. She completed her look with a bindi, chandwalis. Ranbir Kapoor wore a blue sherwani. The couple posed for the shutterbugs with hand-in-hand. Take a look at the pictures here:
Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone were shooting in Italy a few days back. The two were busy filming song sequences for their upcoming film Fighter, helmed by Siddharth Anand. A new photograph from the sets of Fighter surfaced online. The selfie, clicked by Hrithik, featured Deepika, Siddharth and his wife Mamta Bhatia Anand, and choreographer Bosco Martis, among others. We can see the Fighter squad enjoying coffee. In the snap, Hrithik, dressed in a casual blue tee and black hoodie, is sitting next to Deepika. The actress is seen wearing a bathrobe. The picture was shared by actor Arfeen Khan on Instagram. He wrote, “Fighter in action…amazing people, amazing shoot.” Take a look at the post here:
Deepika Padukone was last seen in Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. Deepika played the character of Shah Rukh Khan’s mother in the film. Deepika’s special appearance in Jawan won her different fanbase.
The IOC session serves as a key meeting of the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Important decisions regarding the future of the Olympic games are made at the IOC Sessions. India is hosting the IOC session for the second time and after a gap of about 40 years. The IOC’s 86th session was held in New Delhi in 1983, read a press release from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), reported ANI.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt marked their presence together at the event