David Beckham had eventful Mumbai evenings as he attended back-to-back parties during his three-day trip to India. The former star football player was invited to a private party at Shah Rukh Khan’s Mumbai residence, Mannat on Thursday night. David Beckham’s car was spotted arriving at Mannat by the paparazzi. The fan page dedicated to Shah Rukh Khan shared a video clip of the player’s car arriving at Mannat. The caption read, “David Beckham arrives at Mannat.” The Internet showered love on the video. Let’s have a quick look at the comments thread. A X user wrote, “Party Pathaan ke ghar mein hai!” This line is a reference to Shah Rukh Khan’s famous dialogue in Pathaan – Party Pathaan ke ghar pe rakhoge toh mehman namaji ke liye Pathaan to aayega ( If you keep party at Pathaan’s house, he will play a good host to his guests)”. Another comment read, “Looks like Beckham has decided to meet all powerhouses in three-day visit.” Take a look at the video here:
David Beckham arrives at Mannat ❤️? #ShahRukhKhan #Mannat #DavidBeckham pic.twitter.com/avg3WYLpR1
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) November 16, 2023
David Beckham received a grand welcome in Mumbai as Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja hosted a party for him at their Mumbai residence on Wednesday. The star player was dressed in all-black. He posed with the hosts Sonam and Anand for the shutterbugs. He was all smiles for the camera. Take a look:
Apart from Sonam Kapoor’s family members, the party was attended by Malaika Arora, Shahid Kapoor-Mira Rajput, Karisma Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar-Shibani Dandekar, Adar Poonawalla and many more distinguished guests. Bollywood celebs shared their special moments with David Beckham on their respective social media handles. Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput shared an adorable picture with their “teenage crush.” The caption read, “When me and the wife both met our teenage crush @davidbeckham.” Take a look:
Anand Ahuja shared some inside pictures in which David Beckham, Sanjay Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar-Shibani Dandekar, Karan Boolani can be seen glued to the television. Anand wrote in the caption, “Just another vision of how sport brings us together! ..it was tense for a minute but @indiancricketteam clamped down and pulled through! Thanks @arjunkapoor for making sure we had a big TV set up showing the match during dinner just so people could sneak in and out to catch a glimpse of India’s tremendous semi finals victory on the way to its fourth ODI World Cup Finals appearance.” Take a look:
David Beckham has come to India as the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. He watched the World Cup match between India and New Zealand at Wankhede Stadium with Sachin Tendulkar and others on Wednesday.
Earlier David Beckham attended a party at Sonam Kapoor’s residence