Popular television actress Dalljiet Kaur has been in the news after she left her estranged husband Nikhil Patel‘s house and returned to India with her son Jaydon. Well, on Wednesday, the actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a video in which she was seen showing her matching tattoo with Nikhil. In the caption, she mentioned that she is now looking for ideas to redesign her tattoo. The actress slammed Nikhil who was spotted at the Mumbai airport with his rumoured girlfriend and accused him of not being loyal to her. For more TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Dalljiet Kaur slams Nikhil Patel
Dalljiet Kaur revealed that the tattoo was named ‘Take 2’ since it was her second marriage with Nikhil. She was previously married to Shalin Bhanot. The post was captioned as ‘Take 2. A tattoo that represented the strength to fall in love again. Strength to trust again. Strength to leave the country and wrap up everything for love and the hope of having the family that me and Jaydon craved so much for. After nine years, I took the plunge as I got lost in the fantasy of having a family and all that I was being told to believe’.
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A look at Dalljiet Kaur’s post
Further, she added saying, ‘Take 2 was a chance I gave myself, to call someone my husband. For my son to feel what having a father would feel like. The actress even took a dig at Nikhil and questioned his loyalty for being in a relationship again. She said that there was no faith and loyalty, love and respect, togetherness and commitment in their relationship. She said that since the start it was all about numbers and loyalty was never on the table. She even added that the numbers must be high so the switch happened quickly. She said that she was told that they would fix this there was a replacement already being fixed too. Dalljiet and Nikhil walked down the aisle in March 2023. The two filed for divorce earlier this year after their 10 months of wedding. Nikhil even confirmed their separation in May when he said that Dalljiet decided to leave Kenya with her son Jaydon and return to India. Dalljiet filed an FIR against Nikhil and accused him of cruelty. Before Nikhil Patel, Dalljiet Kaur was married to Shalin Bhanot. The two parted ways after she gave birth to son Jaydon.
Actress Dalljiet Kaur slammed ex husband Nikhil Patel as he was spotted kissing his girlfriend. Here’s what she said.