Celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani shared an interesting story about his first photoshoot with Hrithik Roshan in a recent chat with Siddharth Kannan. Talking about the meeting, which took place way before Hrithik’s debut film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Dabboo Ratnani said that the actor requested to meet him for a portfolio while concealing his true identity as Rakesh Roshan’s son. Dabboo Ratnani also revealed in the same interview that he already knew in the first five frames that Hrithik was a star. “I didn’t even know he was Rakesh Roshan’s son. He didn’t tell me, he told me his name was Hrithik and that’s it. The way he was posing! The confidence, and expression he was giving for the first portfolio of his life, I was blown away! When I told him he was too good he was very happy!”
The photographer revealed that he got to know about Hrithik’s identity only after he got a call from the actor’s dad Rakesh Roshan days after the shoot. Dabboo said that the Fighter actor did not disclose his identity because he did not want to create any pressure on him. “I told him because we were in the same school and I know your dad, I won’t charge you the full amount, so pay only 50 percent. For two weeks he forgot to send the money, then I asked my assistant to call him because I had to pay my staff. The same night, he sent me the full amount, not the discounted amount,” he added.
On the work front, Hrithik Roshan is gearing up for his next release Fighter. Last Monday, the makers released the official trailer of the film. The video begins with Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, played by Anil Kapoor, guiding his “special response team,” including Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania (Hrithik Roshan) and Squadron Leader Minal Rathore (Deepika Padukone). They are instructed to build strong “interpersonal relations” as their most crucial weapon in the face of war. Fighter revolves around Hrithik Roshan’s character, a man on a mission, striving to save his country and avenge the fallen fighters.
Watch the trailer below:
Fighter marks Hrithik Roshan’s first film with Deepika Padukone.
Dabboo Ratnani said that the Fighter actor did not disclose his identity because he did not want to create any pressure on him