All of India is waiting for January 22. The day is marked for the inauguration ceremony of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. It is going to be an extravagant affair as a lot of preparations are being made. Some of the biggest celebrities are expected to be a part of it. Reports suggest that stars like Rajinikanth, Dhanush, Yash, Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan and many more from the South Indian film industry have received invitations. Apart from these celebs, stars like Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and many more have also been extended invitations. Amidst all this, latest reports had it that Salaar star Prabhas has made a donation of Rs 50 crore to Ram Mandir. BollywoodLife gets you all the latest entertainment news. Don’t forget to follow us on WhatsApp.
Here’s the truth behind reports of Prabhas donating Rs 50 cr to Ram Mandir inauguration
There were reports claiming that Prabhas has donated Rs 50 crore for Ram Mandir consecration as the star has extended help to take the expense of the food on the big day. Moreover, an MLA from Andhra Pradesh also an event claimed that Prabhas has come forward to donate. The video went viral in no time. However, now the actor’s team has reacted to the same. To India Today, the team of Prabhas has shared that these reports are false. The team reacted saying that it is ‘Fake news’.
Prabhas’ upcoming movies
Prabhas is one of the biggest names down South. It is unclear whether the actor would be attending the Ram Mandir inauguration ceremony or not. He is running on a tight schedule given the lineup of films. His soon to release film is Kalki 2898 AD. It alsos stars Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and many more. It was recently that the poster of Prabhas’ upcoming next The Raja Saab was unveiled. The actor appeared in a happy and dancing mood on the poster. Sandeep Reddy Vanga has also announced that he is going to make a movie named Spirit with Prabhas. Prabhas definitely has a great line-up of films. Then there’s of course, the part 2 of Salaar.
Know all about Salaar starcast fees
Salaar on OTT
Meanwhile, those who are waiting for his films to release, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire is releasing on Netflix. The movie that also stars Prithviraj Sukumaran is going to start streaming on OTT platform from January 20.
Prabhas is a pan-India star. He enjoys the greatest stardom with fans swooning over him. Latest reports suggested that the actor has made a donation of Rs 50 crore to the upcoming Ram Mandir ceremony.