Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna starrer Anupamaa has won hearts. The show began in 2020 and has the top TV show on the TRP charts. A lost has been said about the show since a long time. It has been the highlight ever since Sudhanshu Pandey announced that he is leaving the show. Sudhanshu has played Vanraj Shah for four years and has been getting all the love. Despite Vanraj being a negative character, Sudhanshu has a huge fan following. No one can imagine Vanraj without him. He went live on Instagram to announce that he is no longer playing Vanraj. He apologised to fans for his sudden decision and thanked everyone for loving him so much.
Rupali Ganguly throws tantrums on the sets of Anupamaa?
After his exit, a lot has been said about the show and especially about Sudhanshu Pandey‘s issues with Anupamaa producer Rajan Shahi. Fans have noticed that they have unfollowed each other on social media. People also said that he left because of Rupali Ganguly. However, recently, he clarified that nothing is true about these rumours. Amidst this, many other things have been said about the show and the actors. Reports said that Rupali throws tantrums on the sets and is not having good relations with Gaurav. This is the most talked about in Entertainment News. Now, Jaswir Kaur who plays Devika spoke to Telly Talk India and said tantrums are those that the productions houses accept or sometimes not. But the people on the sets of Anupamaa have always been fun. Jaswir said that she has seen discomforts on the sets but when it comes to work everyone is professional. She is always in the fun mode and everyone is the same with her. Jaswir feels that anything like tantrums or issues had to happen, it would have happened in the beginning only when everyone was new and now everyone knows each other.
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She added that she knows Rajan Shahi’s production house very well and they do not take anyone’s tantrums. She said that they have replaced people overnight as well. She further said that she has never seen Rupali throwing any tantrums on set as they both sit on the ground and do readings. She said that she has never seen Rupali having any atitude issues as well. Anupamaa actress Jaswir Kaur aka Devika has reacted to rumours of Rupali Ganguly throwing tantrums on the sets. The show has a huge fan following and Rupali is loved for her performance.