Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna starrer Anupamaa has been loved. The show has been the talk of the town ever since Sudhanshu Pandey announced his exit from the show. He shared the shocking news on Instagram and apologised for this sudden decision. The actor promised to be back with more amazing characters and thanked everyone for loving him as Vanraj Shah. After his announcement, everyone was left shocked and they wanted him to be back as Vanraj. He was trending on social media that day as people requested him to change his decision. A lot was being said about his exit and people even noticed he has unfollowed Rajan Shahi on Instagram.
Ronit Roy reacts to rumours of playing Vanraj
Everyone speculated that things are not right between them and hence, Sudhanshu left Anupamaa. It was also being said that he does not get along with Rupali and hence, he left. A lot of things came but recently, Sudhanshu clarified that all these rumours are false. He is currently the most talked about celebrity in Entertainment News. Post his exit, fans were worried about what will now happen with Vanraj Shah and whether the character will die. It was being reported that Pankit Thakker will be playing the role of Vanraj after Sudhanshu Pandey has left. However, Pankit recently revealed that he is not doing the role. After, that it was being said that Ronit Roy will be seen as Vanraj in Anupamaa. Now, Ronit Roy has opened up about the same. He spoke to Filmibeat and said that the reports are not true and it is probably just a rumour. Well, Ronit Roy is also not playing Vanraj Shah.
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In the recent episodes, we have seen that Vanraj tries to call Toshu but the call disconnects. Toshu and Pakhi are worried why did Vanraj call them from and unknown number. We also see some people coming home and accusing Vanraj of doing a fraud. Sudhanshu Pandey will not be seen as Vanraj Shah in Anupamaa. As per reports, Ronit Roy will be replacing him. Now, Ronit Roy has reacted to these rumours.