Bigg Boss 17 ended on January 28 and Munawar Faruqui was declared the winner of the show. Abhishek Kumar and Mannara Chopra emerged as the first and the second runner-up of the show. Ankita Lokhande and Arun Mashettey secured fourth and fifth positions respectively. Post the show ended, many of the Bigg Boss contestants met each other and had reunion parties. However, Ankita Lokhande was not a part of the parties and her absence made everyone think that she is upset. She did not wait for the Bigg Boss 17 interviews post the show ended and looked upset when she was leaving the sets. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Ankita reveals why she avoided Bigg Boss 17 parties
Speaking to Siddharth Kannan, she revealed that she was skipping the parties because of her health. She was not well and she is busy balancing things post the show. She said that she did receive Abhishek Kumar’s call for his reunion party but she was genuinely not keeping well. She said, “Mujhe anxiety issues ho gaye hain. So I am just trying to balance things.” She said that she did try to watch the episodes of Bigg Boss 17 and feels that she was a bit mentally affected. She said, “It’s not healthy to watch for me.” However, she was recently spotted at the Bigg Boss 17 reunion party where all the people involved in the show arrived. She looked gorgeous in a blue gown and her husband, Vicky Jain wore denim shirt and pants. Ankita and Vicky’s relationship was the most talked about thing in Bigg Boss 17. Their married life was the talk of the town and things went ugly between them. They had many fights and Vicky’s family also said a lot of things against Ankita.
Watch the exclusive interview of Abhishek Kumar here:
Vicky’s mother said that they were not ready for Ankita and Vicky’s marriage. She also said that Ankita needs to learn to behave with her husband. Bigg Boss 17 finalist Ankita Lokhande revealed that she was avoiding the reunion parties because she had some anxiety issues.