Anjali Arora is a social media sensation who has finally come out and spoken her heart out about the infamous morphed video that was leaked on social media. Recently, an FIR was registered, against the perpetrators who morphed and circulated the video on the internet months after Anjali had filed a case. In an interview with TimesofIndia TV, Anjali said that eh wanted to take action against the same for a long time now and she is happy that finally she took a stand against it. BollywoodLife has a WhatsApp channel which brings you all the latest entertainment news and TV news updates every day. Well, in August 2022, a video of Anjali went viral when she was in Lock Upp show. In the video, Anjali was seen in a compromising situation with an unidentified man. The case is still under investigation, the actress said that the morphed video circulation has started from Telegram. She said that her family had issued a complaint in the cyber cell about the fake video. But, no action was taken back then. She said that the person behind the fake video should be caught as soon as possible and that would mark not only her victory over the culprit but also the victory of thousands of other girls who face a similar situation but do not raise any voice against it due to many reasons. After Anjali came out of Lock Upp, she was flooded with questions about the fake video. She went through a lot of emotions as she learned about the video. She said that she had not seen that fake video as she was scared. Anjali revealed how she went through one of the darkest phases of her life and had given up literally. She said that the worst part was that it was not her fault, but she had to suffer a lot. Anjali revealed that she had to lose projects due to fake videos.
Social media sensation Anjali Arora finally spoke her heart out about the infamous morphed video that was leaked on social media.