Anil Kapoor is one of the most popular and sought after actors in Bollywood. With a career spanning over four decades, the actor has become a household name in the country. Be it his acting skills or the way he talks, Anil has established a cult status for him in Hindi cinema. Recently, the actor filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court and sought for the protection of his personality rights. In an interview, the actor revealed the reason behind his move and said that he is protecting his life’s work.
Anil Kapoor explains why he sought protection of his personality rights
Anil Kapoor filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court to pass an order prohibiting anyone from misusing his personality attributes. The actor shared an official statement with ANI explaining his move and said that he filed the case after multiple instances of misuse of his personality attributes. The actor said that through his lawyer Ameet Naik, he sought to protect his personality rights including name, image, likeness, voice and other attributes of my personality against any misuse including on digital media. The Night Manager star further added that the court acknowledged his personality rights and granted the order restraining all offenders from misusing his personality attributes. This includes Anil Kapoor’s name, image, likeness, voice, etc.. No one can now use his personality attributes without his permission in any manner, including through artificial intelligence, deep fakes, GIFs. etc. The actor also said that his personality is his life’s work and he has worked hard to build his status in the industry. Anil added that through the lawsuit, he sought to protect misuse of his personality rights in any way. The actor added that the current situation where rapid changes in technology and tools like artificial intelligence can easily temper a person’s attributes, he did not want his personality rights to get misused.
Anil Kapoor recently filed for a lawsuit seeking protection of his personality rights and opened up on the reason behind his move.