Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday, who are rumoured to be dating, were pictured at a Mumbai eatery together on Friday night. The actors were twinning and winning in black outfits as they stepped out for dinner last night. Ananya and Aditya were all smiles as they were pictured chatting with fellow friends. Ananya and Aditya are frequently spotted together in the city. They were also holidaying in Portugal earlier this year, photos from which went crazy viral. Rumours about Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday first surfaced last year.
Earlier this year, Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur walked together on the runway during a fashion show. They were also pictured together at Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s Mumbai reception in February. Ananya Panday also cheered for Aditya Roy Kapur at the screening of his web series The Night Manager. He also attended the screening of her film Dream Girl 2 along with his family. They were also pictured at a party hosted for Love Nwantiti singer CKay earlier this year. The actors also watched Greta Gerwig’s Barbie together in Mumbai.
Rumours about Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday first surfaced when they were pictured together at Manish Malhotra’s Diwali party last year.
Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday first trended big time when Karan Johar asked the Liger actress on his show Koffee With Karan 7 last year: “I saw at my party… What’s brewing between you and Aditya Roy Kapoor?” After much ado, Ananya replied, “I find Aditya Roy Kapur hot.”
Ananya and Aditya are frequently spotted together in the city