The Ambani family hosted a grand Ganesh darshan at their Mumbai residence, Antilia, last night. Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hema Malini, Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh, Kiara Advani-Sidharth Malhotra, and Sara Ali Khan among others added stardust to the celebration. Our favourite Vicky Kaushal also attended the festivities. The actor arrived with his brother Sunny Kaushal and sister-in-law Isabelle Kaif. Don’t know about you, but we certainly missed Katrina Kaif. In the video, Vicky Kaushal looks dapper in an all-white attire. Sunny Kaushal’s black-golden kurta and white pants deserve a 10/10. Agree? We also loved Isabelle’s mint green sharara set.
Amid the Ganapati celebrations, Vicky Kaushal also managed to take some time out for a killer photoshoot. In the carousel, the actor can be seen sharing a candid moment with Sunny Kaushal and Isabelle. Once again, Katrina Kaif was missing.
Take a look:
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal is gearing up for the release of his upcoming family drama The Great Indian Family. The actor, who has been on a promotional spree, recently opened up about his character in the film. Vicky Kaushal is playing a singer, Bhajan Kumar in the Vijay Krishna Acharya directorial. He told news agency ANI, “This character of Bhajan Kumar was a new experience for me because when I heard the script for the first time I was told that this is Bhajan Kumar who is a rock star from the city of Balrampur. I thought it was a very cute combination that he is a rock star, a desi version, who makes you awaken and this will be something new that someone who wears a dhoti and kurta will become a rock star. He is a very innocent and lovely character.”
The Great Indian Family also stars Manushi Chhillar, Kumud Mishra, Manoj Pahwa and Yashpal Sharma among others. So far, the makers have unveiled two songs from the film: Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja and Sahibaa. The film will hit theatres on September 22.
After The Great Indian Family, Vicky Kaushal has Meghna Gulzar’s Sam Bahadur. The film is based on the life of India’s war hero Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Sam Bahadur also stars Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra.
In the video, Vicky Kaushal looks dapper in an all-white attire