Alia Bhatt was such a mood at a GQ event held in Mumbai last night. The actress walked the red carpet and she did it in style. As Alia Bhatt posed for the lensmen at the event, a paparazzo referred to her as “Aaloo ji,” to which Alia replied, “Ye kya naya shuru hogya hai Aaloo ji (What is this new thing you guys have started).” Later, Alia was asked how her daughter Raha is doing, to which Alia replied with a thumbs up and a bright grin. The paparazzi also complimented the actress on her look. “Nice look,” she was told by a pap. She winked back.
Alia Bhatt shared some photos of her OOTN on her Instagram profile last night. The actress was dressed in a wine Gucci jumpsuit. See the photos posted by the actress here:
This year, Alia Bhatt made her big Hollywood debut with Gal Gadot’s Heart Of Stone. She also featured in Karan Johar’s hit film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani with Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. She recently received the Best Actress prize at the 69th National Film Awards in Delhi this year. The actress will next be seen in Vasan Bala’s Jigra.
On the personal front, Alia Bhatt married her Brahmastra co-star Ranbir Kapoor in April last year at their house Vastu, in front of a few family members and close friends. The star couple had been dating for over 5 years before getting married. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their first child, a baby daughter on November 6 last year. They named her Raha.
Alia Bhatt and the paparazzi’s interaction on the red carpet