Alia Bhatt, known for her exemplary acting skills, often treats her Instafam to no makeup selfies. On Tuesday evening, she did nothing different. The Gangubai Kathiawadi star Alia stunned everyone with her no-makeup look. Alia Bhatt shared a selfie on her Instagram handle in which she was seen showcasing her no-makeup look. The actress looked into the camera as she flaunted her million-dollar smile. In the caption of her post, Alia wrote, “little soul and sun…” Fans flooded her comment section with adorable messages. On fan wrote, “Your freckles have my whole heart,” while another wrote, “prettiest.”
Take a look at her post below:
Earlier, Alia Bhatt, who was in London to host the Hope Gala this year, documented moments from her time there and shared it on Instagram. Sharing a carousel post, Alia Bhatt wrote, “I had the great pleasure of hosting an evening that was truly special, brimming with so much love, purpose, and hope. Thank you Mandarin Oriental for bringing our vision to life, and to Salaam Bombay Foundation for empowering and supporting young lives, providing them with what they need for a brighter tomorrow. Hope Gala 2024.” In the comments section, Alia Bhatt’s mom Soni Razdan commented, “Wonderful.”
Check out Alia Bhatt’s post here:
Here’s a glimpse from the gala, shared by the official Instagram handle of Mandarin Oriental. Take a look:
For the unversed, the Hope Gala is a charity event to support Salaam Bombay Foundation, a cause “close to Alia Bhatt’s heart”. As per news agency ANI, the foundation works tirelessly to empower vulnerable “at-risk” children in Mumbai through after-school academies and in-school programs, fostering their confidence and dedication for a brighter future. Apart from Alia Bhatt, singer Harshdeep Kaur, director Gurinder Chadha and comedian Rohan Joshi were present at the event. The Gala was attended by prolific industrialists and philanthropists from India and London.
In the caption of her post, Alia wrote, “little soul and sun”