After Pushpa 2 actress Rashmika Mandanna, Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Kajol, and more, now Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi has fallen prey to deepfake videos. Nora’s deepfake video is going viral on social media and the woman in the video looks just like the actress. In the video, Nora is seen promoting an end-of-season sale and the video is spreading like wildfire. For all the latest Bigg Boss 17, TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Nora took to her Instagram stories and raised alarm as she clarified that the woman in the video was not her. She wrote, ‘Shocked!! This is not me!’ She also called out the brand and called the video fake. Well, the brand has not responded to her claims as of now. Nora shared this video when Rashmika’s deepfake video creator Eemani Naveen got arrested by the Delhi police. The accused said that he wanted to increase the followers on his fan page and hence created Rashmika’s deepfake video.
Have a look at Nora Fatehi’s deepfake video
Recently, Rashmika took to social media and wrote, ‘Expressing my heartfelt gratitude to @DCP_IFSO. Thank you for apprehending those responsible. Feeling truly grateful for the community that embraces me with love, support and shields me. Girls and boys – if your image is used or morphed anywhere without your consent. It is wrong! And I hope this is a reminder that you are surrounded by people who will support you and action will be taken’.
Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi’s deepfake video is going viral on the social media.