Akhil Mishra who played the role of librarian Dubey in Aamir Khan‘s film, 3 Idiots passed away today. The actor was reportedly working in his kitchen and slipped. He was 67 years old. The actor’s body is now sent for post-mortem. As per reports in ETimes, the actor’s wife and actress Suzanne Bernert was in Hyderabad for a shoot when the incident happened. She immediately rushed back home after hearing the news. Suzanne is in shock but has held herself strong.
Suzanne Bernert reacts to husband’s demise
She is doing all the arrangements and preparing for the cremation. His last rites are going to be held today (September 21) at 3.30pm at Indralok near Golden Nest. She spoke to ETimes and said that her heart is broken and her second half is gone forever. Akhil Mishra has done many films like Don, Well Don Abba, Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi and more. He has also done many TV shows like Bhanwar, Uttaran, Udaan, CID, Shrimaan Shrimati, Bharat Ek Koj, Rajani and others.
Akhil Mishra and Suzanne Bernert’s wedding
He got married to German actress Suzanne Bernert on February 3, 2009. They also had a traditional marriage ceremony on September 30, 2011. Suzanne has been a part of many TV shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Porus, Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Savdhaan India, Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai, Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat. Suzanne and Akhil Mishra worked together in the movie, Kram and in the TV series, Mera Dil Dewaana that aired on Doordarshan. They had also collaborated for a short film in 2019 titled Majnu ki Juliet. Akhil Mishra not only acted in this short film but also directed and wrote it.
3 Idiots actor Akhil Mishra has passed away in an accident at his residence. His wife and actress Suzanne Bernert says her heart is broken.